Cecilie Jávo

Cecilie Jávo er Dr.med og PhD. Overlege og forsker i SANKS.



  • Javo, Cecilie(2010) Kulturens betydning for oppdragelse og atferdsproblemer Transkulturell forståelse, veiledning og behandling. Universitetsforlaget

Artikler og bokkapitler:

  • Sanbu, M., Kamps, A., Preljevic, V., Javo, C. (2015) "Utenlandske leger i norsk psykiatri – behov for en mentorordning?"Tidsskrift for Den norsk legeforening nr. 12-13, 2015:135:113-7
  • Sanbu, M., Kamps, A., Preljevic, V., Javo, C. (2015) "Foreign doctors in Norwegian psychiatry – is there a need for a mentoring scheme? Tidsskrift for Den norsk legeforening nr. 12-13, 2015:135:113-7
  • Eriksen, A.M.A., Hansen, K.L., Javo,C., Schei, B. (2015)"Emotional, psysical and sexual violence among Sami and non- Sami populations in Norway: The SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1-9
  • Bärnhielm, S., Javo, C. & Mösko, M. (2013). Opening up Mental Health Service Delivery to Cultural Diversity: Current Situation, Development and Examples from Three Northern European Countries. In R.D. Alarcón (Ed.), Cultural Psychiatry (a monograph / special issue in the book series: Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine), vol. 33, p.40-55. Basel, Schwitzerland: S.Karger AG.

  • Javo, Cecilie (2011). Oppdragelse og kulturelle forskjeller (s.140-147). I Frode Svartdal: Psykologi, en introduksjon, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademiske.

  • Javo, Cecilie (2010). Child-rearing Goals and Practices. In Dabie Nabuzoka & Janet M. Empson (Eds.): Culture and Psychological Development, s. 55-92, London, Palgrave Publishers Ltd.

  • Javo, Cecilie (2010). How cultural norms may influence reports of child behavior problems in different ethnic groups in Norway. European Psychiatric Review, 2010; Volume 3. P. 26-29. http://www.researchgate.t/publication/24005888_Social_competence_and_emotionalbehavioral_problems_in_a_birth_cohort_of_Sami_and_Norwegian_preadolescents_in_Arctic_Norway_as_reported_by_mothers_and_teachers/file/72e7e52c1583847a98.pdf&rct=j&frm=1&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ei=RlWhU8u9E-K8ygPUiYDICA&ved=0CBMQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNFji9rorn3NonjqVReYtOoVc8s2gQ

  • Javo Cecilie; Rønning, John Andreas;Handegård,Bjørn Helge; Rudmin, Floyd Webster (2009) "Social competence and emotional/behavioral problems in a birth cohort of Sami and Norwegian preadolescents in Arctic Norway as reported by mothers and teachers." Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2009 ;Volume 63.(2) p. 178-187 UiT UNN
  • Javo, Cecilie; Rønning, John Andreas; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Rudmin, Floyd Webster. (2009)"Cross-informant correlations on social competence and behavioral problems in Sami and Norwegian preadolescents." European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2009 ;Volume 18.(3) p. 154-163 UiT UNN  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19129965


  • Javo, Cecilie (2007). Childrearing Practices and Parental Values in an Indigenous Sami Population in Northern Norway: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. In Pranee Liamputtong (Ed.) Childrearing and Infant Care Issues. A Cross-Cultural perspective, p.p. 79-95. New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

  • Javo, Cecilie (2005). Samisk Barnepsykiatri. I Hilchen Sommerschild & Einar Moe (Eds.): Da barnepsykiatrien kom til Norge, s. 346-354, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

  • Javo, Cecilie; Rønning, John Andreas; Heyerdahl, Sonja; Rudmin, Floyd Webster. (2004) "Parenting correlates of child behavior problems in a multiethnic community sample of preschool children in northern Norway". European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2004 ;Volume 13.(1) p. 8-18 RBUP-ØS UiT http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14991427  

  • Javo, Cecilie; Rønning, John Andreas; Heyerdahl, Sonja. (2004) "Child-rearing in an indigenous Sami population in Norway: A cross-cultural comparison of parental attitudes and expectations". Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2004 ;Volume 45.(1) p. 67-78 RBUP-ØS UiT http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9450.2004.00380.x/full
  • Javo, Cecilie; Alapack, Richard Joseph; Heyerdahl, Sonja; Rønning, John Andreas.(2003) "Parental Values and Ethnic Identity in Indigenous Sami Families: A Qualitative Study". Family Process 2003 ;Volume 42.(1) p. 151-164

    RBUP-ØS UiT NTNU http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12698605 

  • Javo, Cecilie; Heyerdahl, Sonja; Rønning, John Andreas.(2000) "Parent reports of child behavior problems in young Sami children: a cross-cultural comparison." European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2000 ;Volume 9.(3) p. 202-211 RBUP-ØS UiT http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00787-004-0349-3

  • Aasland OG, Javo C, Larsen A. (1997) "Utenlandske leger ved norske sykehus." Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 1997 ;Volume 117.(29) p. 4246-4249 UiO
Sist oppdatert 09.04.2024