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Finnmark Hospital Trust

The Finnmark Hospital is the safety base for the inhabitants in Finnmark. We provide specialist health care services of high professional quality.

Want to work with us?

Primary doctor (GP)

Every resident in Norway is entitled  to be registered as a patient with a primary doctor (GP). A regular GP is responsible for examining, diagnosing and treating the patients on his/her list, and this also includes prescribing medication and issuing sick notes. The regular GP is also responsible for referring patients to hospitals, other medical specialists and physiotherapists. You must pay a consultation fee when you visit your primary doctor, unless you have an exemption card.


Patients are treated in a hospital following a referral from your primary doctor (GP) or an accident and emergency department (immediate help). You are entitled to choose which hospital you wish to be treated at.

The treatment can be given as outpatient treatment, which means that the patient is treated without being hospitalised. If the doctor considers that the patient’s condition requires hospitalisation, the patient is admitted to the hospital. Hospitalisation is free for members of the National Insurance scheme. Outpatient treatment and consultations are subject to a patient charge.

Phone number

+47 78 96 70 00

Postal address

Finnmarkssykehuset HF
Kransvikveien 35
9601 Hammerfest
(Never send personal information by e-mail)

  • You must receive information on your health condition and treatment in a language you understand
  • The health service has the duty and responsibility to book an interpreter
  • The interpreting service is free for the patient
  • You can call the health service and ask them to book an interpreter
  • You may have the right to an interpreter even if you speak Norwegian on a daily basis. This especially applies with serious and chronic diseases, and with consultations on mental disorders
  • Only a qualified interpreter can be used
  • Children are not to be used as interpreters
  • Health personnel have a duty to provide health care in a professional way. If you do not want to use an interpreter, you must be informed that this can have negative effects for your health
  • Telephone interpreting may be a good alternative to having an interpreter present in the room
  • If you can not come to your appointment, you must cancel at least 24 hours in advance. If not, you will have to pay for the appointment

How can you get the most out of an interpreted consultation?

  • Tell the health service precisely which language you speak. If more family members will be present, book an interpreter that all the family members understand
  • Come to the appointment on time
  • Plan what you want to talk about in your consultation
  • Use short sentences; don't say too much all at once. This will make it easier for the interpreter to interpret what is said correctly

What are the interpreter's duties?

  • A qualified interpreter has education in the field and interpreting experience
  • An interpreter provides the interpreting rules in both languages when the consultation starts
  • An interpreter shall not take any sides in the conversation
  • An interpreter has the duty of confidentiality. It is a criminal offence to break the confidentiality agreement
  • An interpreter shall only interpret what is said, and shall not offer advice or add his or her own opinions
  • An interpreter shall only interpret, and shall not do other tasks for either the patient or the health personnel
  • The interpreter must not be interrupted, and must be given time to interpret what the parties in the conversation say
  • All questions shall be directed to the health personnel, not the interpreter

Somatic services

  • General surgery
  • Orthopedics –Orthopedics centre for the Finnmark Hospital
  • Internal medicine –Cardiology, general internal medicineGeriatric team
  • Pediatrics and children's habilitation for all Finnmark –neonatal ward level II
  • Gynaecology/obstetrics
  • Emergency services –Anaesthesia, intensive care, operations
  • Emercency department and casualty clinic
  • Outpatients'/policlinic:
    Cancer, dermatology/phototherapy, dialysis
  • Visiting specialists:
    ENT, eye, neurology, rheumatology, dermatology, nephrology
  • Clinical support units:
    Radiology, clinical biochemics, blood bank physical/occupational therapy
  • Training centre:
    Courses and training services for the chronically ill, the physically disabled and their families.

Clinic Alta

Internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics, gynaecology, pediatrics (visiting specialists from Clinic Hammerfest)Radiology and phototherapy. Nephrology/dialysis, ENT, neurology, eye, dermatology. Pulmonology.

Sapmi clinic

Internal medicine, ENT, rheumatology, dermatology, gynaecology and radiology. Permanent specialists, contract specialist in internal medicine and visiting specialists from Hammerfest and Kirkenes

  • General surgery
  • Urology
  • ENT surgery and policlinic
  • Eye policlinic
  • Orthopedics
  • Internal medicine – Cardiology, general internal medicinie
  • Gynaecology/obstetrics
  • Emergency services – Anaesthesia, intensive care, operations, emercency ward, ambulance commande centre
  • Primary health care emergency ward
  • Rehabilitation and habilitation
    with physical/occupational therapy
  • Outpatients/policlinic:
    Cancer, dermatologoy/phototherapy, dialysis, rheumatology
  • De-centralised services in Vadsø
    Dermatology and phototherapt (visiting)
    Dialysis (permanent)
  • Visiting specialists from UNN Tromsø to Kirkenes:
  • Visiting specialists from Hammerfest to Kirkenes:
  • Clinical support units:
    Radiology, clinical biochemics, blood bank
  • Training centre

Ambulance services




Sist oppdatert 10.07.2024