Snefrid Møllersen

Publiseringene til Snefrid Møllersen, psykologspesialist i Nasjonalt team ved SANKS.


  • Inger Dagsvold, Snefrid Møllersen and Bodil H. Blix (2020). Clinicians’ assumptions about Sami culture and experience providing mental health services to Indigenous patients in Norway, Transcultural Psychiatry, p 1–12
  • Møllersen, S. (2019). Særskilte Utfordringer i samiske reindriftsområder. Utposten, nr 2, s. 18 – 22.
  • Møllersen, S. (2018). Physical strain, external demands, and work pleasure in a mobile pastoral population of the Arctic. A study of the Sàmi reindeer-herder population in Norway. Medical Research Archives, 6 (3).

  • Dagsvold, Inger Johanne; Møllersen, Snefrid; Stordahl, Vigdis. (2016).  “You never know who are Sami or speak Sami” Clinicians’ experiences with language-appropriate care to Sami-speaking patients in outpatient mental health clinics in Northern Norway. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. Volum 75. (32588) 
  • Dagsvold, I. , Møllersen, S. og Stordahl, V. (2015) "What can we talk about, in which language, in what way and with whom? Sami patients' experiences of language choice and culture norms in mental health treatment. International Journal of Circumpolar Health.  Volum 74.
  • Møllersen, S.,  Stordahl, V, Tørres, G, Eira-Åhren, I.M.  (2015). Everyday Life of Reindeer Herders - a partnership research project.” Abstract book, ICCH-16. 
  • Stordahl, V., Tørres, G., Møllersen, S., Eira-Århren, I. M. (2015)" Ethical guidelines for Sami research: the issue that disappeared from the Norwegian Sami Parliament's agenda?" International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2015. Volum 74.
  • Stordahl, vigdis; Tørres, Grete; Møllersen, Snefrid; Eira-Åhren, Inger Marit. (2013) "Sami health research in Norway: is there a need for indigenous sensitive ethical guidelines?". International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2013 ;Volume 72:22447. Suppl. 1 p. 1000-1001HFI
  • Møllersen, Snefrid; Eira-Åhren, Inger Marit; Stordahl, Vigdis; Tørres, Grete.(2013)"Everyday life of reindeer herding. Developing a study to investigate factors that may affect mental health in the Sámi reindeer herder population of Norway". International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2013 ; Volume 72. Suppl. 1 p. 998-999 HFI


  • Møllersen, Snefrid; Sexton, Harold; Holte, Arne.(2009) "Effects of client and therapist ethnicity and ethnic matching: A prospective naturalistic study of outpatient mental health treatment in Northern Norway". Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2009 ;Volume 63.(3) p. 246-255 FHI HFI UiO UiT
  • Møllersen, Snefrid; Holte, Arne. (2008)"Ethnicity as a variable in mental health research: A systematic review of articles published 1990-2004." Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2008 ;Volume 62. p. 322-328 FHI HFI UiO.
  • Møllersen, S. (2009). Den som tier samtykker – eller ikke. Kulturforståelse og samhandling med den samiske pasienten. Utposten, 8, 14 – 18.

  • Møllersen, S. (2006). Profesjonell, personlig, privat. Blander vi kortene? Utposten, 8, 29 - 31. 

  • Møllersen, S., Sexton, H. C., & Holte, A. (2005). Ethnic variations in the initial phase of mental health treatment: A study of Sami and non-Sami clients and therapists in northern Norway.  Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 46, 447 – 457


Bok- og skriftserie-kapitler 

  • Møllersen, S. (2018). Helserelaterte leve- og arbeidsforhold for reindriftssamiske befolkning i sørsamisk område.  Kap 4, s. 44 -67.. I: Samiske tall forteller 11. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2018. Sàmi Allaskuvla.
  • Møllersen, S. & Haanæs-Rensberg, T. (2018). Establishing Trustfull Relationships between Marginalized Indigenous Perople and Researchers/Health Workers, Chapter 24, In Exner-Pirot, H, Nordbye, B & Butler, L(eds). Northern and Indigenous Health and Health Care. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan.
  • Møllersen, Snefrid; Stordahl, Vigdis; Tørres, Grete; Eira-Åhren, Inger Marit.(2016) 
    Developing an adequate questionnaire addressing psychosocial distress in a reindeer herding population: Some lessons learned. In: Ethics in Indigenous Research. Past Experiences - Future Challenges. Umeå University: Vaartoe - Centre for Sami Research 2016 ISBN 978-91-7601-457-8. s. 175-198 
  • Dunfjeld, Grete og Møllersen, Snefrid (2010) "Utvikling av et likeverdig psykisk helsevern til den samiske befolkninga i sørsamisk område. – Erfaringer fra reiser i sørsamisk område" i Silviken, A. & Stordahl, V (red.) Samisk psykisk helsevern. Karasjok: CallidLagadus
  • Møllersen, S.,  Sexton, H. C., & Holte, A. (2010). Effects of client and therapist ethnicity and ethnic matching: a study of outpatient  mental health treatment in Indigenous and majority populations in Norway. In Chatwood, S.,  Orr, P & Ikäheimo T (eds)  Circumpolar Health Supplements, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, 7, 448 –453
  • Møllersen, S. (2003). Skaff deg en samisk terapeut. Refleksjoner rundt hjelperrollen. I Sørlie & Einejord (eds.), Det psykiatriske behandlingstilbudet til samiske pasienter – hvordan fungerer det og hvordan kan det forbedres ? Skriftserie nr. 6, 34 – 38. Tromsø, UNN-HF. 
  • Møllersen, S. (2003). Betydningen av nettverk i relasjon til opprettelsen av PFFT/NNPF.  I Olstad & Pohl (eds.), Nord-Norsk Psykiatrisk Forskningssenter 10 års jubileum, Skriftserie nr. 5, 38 – 48, Tromsø, UNN-HF. 



  • Møllersen, S. (2007). Mental Health services and treatment in Sami and non-Sami populations. A comparative study in a multiethnic rural area of North Norway.  Doctoral dissertation, University of Tromsø. 


  • Møllersen, S. Stordahl, V, Eira-Åhrèn, IM, Tørres, G.  (2016 februar). Delrapport 1, “Reindriftas hverdag – interne og eksterne forhold som påvirker reineiere”.
Sist oppdatert 09.04.2024